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About iDose® TR

Introducing iDose TR – the convenient way to help lower your eye pressure

iDose TR is tiny. It is 200 times smaller than a single drop of glaucoma medication.

iDose TR is an FDA-approved treatment that helps to lower eye pressure in patients with open-angle glaucoma or high eye pressure.  

Proven safe and effective in two large clinical studies for patients with glaucoma, iDose TR can help patients with glaucoma take long-term control of high eye pressure.  

iDose TR is a convenient alternative to prescription eye drops that can reduce eye pressure without the burden of putting in eye drops. 8 out of 10 patients did not need prescription eye drops 12 months after administration of iDose TR.

Prescription eye drops for glaucoma can be highly effective when taken consistently and correctly as prescribed by your eye doctor. However, many people have challenges with eye drops–difficulty getting the drops into the eye, uncomfortable side effects like redness, and keeping up with a treatment schedule–it’s easy to forget to take your eye drops every day.  

iDose TR

iDose TR is designed to continuously release medication to lower your eye pressure directly inside your eye, where it’s most needed. iDose TR is placed directly in the eye through a tiny incision that is smaller than the one used for cataract surgery. 

For most people, the procedure is painless and performed in an outpatient setting. iDose TR typically has a fast recovery time – you go home and rest after the procedure and can usually resume your regular activities in a day or two. 

FDA-approved treatment 

With iDose TR, you don’t have to wonder or worry if you put your eye drops in, you can be sure that you are getting the prescription-strength medication exactly where you need it, inside your eye.

Talk to your doctor 

If you have been diagnosed with open-angle glaucoma or high eye pressure and are taking prescription eye drops, ask your eye doctor if iDose TR is right for you. 

A senior man smiling in front of an eye-exam machine.

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Important Safety Information

iDose TR is gently placed directly inside your eye by your eye doctor.

You should not have iDose TR if you have an infection or suspected infection in your eye or the area surrounding your eye, have corneal endothelial cell dystrophy, a condition in which the clear front layer of your eye (cornea) has lost its ability to work normally as this can cause vision problems, have had a corneal transplant or cells transplanted to the inner layer of the cornea (endothelial cell transplant), are allergic to any of its ingredients, and/or have narrow angles (the iris and the cornea are too close together).

The most common side effect of iDose TR was increased eye pressure. Other common side effects were inflammation of the iris, dry eye, a loss of part of the usual field of vision, eye pain, eye redness and reduced clearness of vision.

If you have additional questions, please contact your doctor. For full Prescribing Information click here.

Approved Uses

iDose TR (travoprost intracameral implant) is a prescription medicine and drug delivery system for the eye approved to lower eye pressure in patients with open-angle glaucoma or high eye pressure (ocular hypertension).

You are encouraged to report all side effects to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088. You may also call Glaukos at 1-888-404-1644.